Sabtu, 06 November 2010

The Differences between code of ethics from AJA and AJI

hukum dan etika pers:


1. Report and interpret honestly, striving for accuracy, fairness and disclosure of all essential facts. Do not suppress relevant available facts, or give distorting emphasis. Do your utmost to give a fair opportunity for reply.

2. Do not place unnecessary emphasis on personal characteristics, including race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, sexual orientation, family relationships, religious belief, or physical or intellectual disability.

3. Aim to attribute information to its source. Where a source seeks anonymity, do not agree without first considering the source’s motives and any alternative attributable source. Where confidences are accepted, respect them in all circumstances.

4. Do not allow personal interest, or any belief, commitment, payment, gift or benefit, to undermine your accuracy, fairness or independence.

5. Disclose conflicts of interest that affect, or could be seen to affect, the accuracy, fairness or independence of your journalism. Do not improperly use a journalistic position for personal gain.

6. Do not allow advertising or other commercial considerations to undermine accuracy, fairness or independence.

7. Do your utmost to ensure disclosure of any direct or indirect payment made for interviews, pictures, information or stories.

8. Use fair, responsible and honest means to obtain material. Identify yourself and your employer before obtaining any interview for publication or broadcast. Never exploit a person’s vulnerability or ignorance of media practice.

9. Present pictures and sound which are true and accurate. Any manipulation likely to mislead should be disclosed.

10. Do not plagiarise.

11. Respect private grief and personal privacy. Journalists have the right to resist compulsion to intrude.

12. Do your utmost to achieve fair correction of errors.

13. Guidance Clause

14. Basic values often need interpretation and sometimes come into conflict. Ethical journalism requires conscientious decision-making in context. Only substantial advancement of the public interest or risk of substantial harm to people allows any standard to be overridden.

Kode Etik Jurnalistik versi Aliansi Jurnalistik Independen (AJI)

1. Jurnalis menghormati hak masyarakat untuk memperoleh informasi yang benar.

2. Jurnalis senantiasa mempertahankan prinsip-prinsip kebebasan dan keberimbangan dalam peliputan dan pemberitaan serta kritik dan komentar.

3. Jurnalis memberi tempat bagi pihak yang kurang memiliki daya dan kesempatan untuk menyuarakan pendapatnya.

4. Jurnalis hanya melaporkan fakta dan pendapat yang jelas sumbernya.

5. Jurnalis tidak menyembunyikan informasi penting yang perlu diketahui masyarakat.

6. Jurnalis menggunakan cara-cara yang etis untuk memperoleh berita, foto dan dokumen.

7. Jurnalis menghormati hak narasumber untuk memberi informasi latar belakang, off the record, dan embargo.

8. Jurnalis segera meralat setiap pemberitaan yang diketahuinya tidak akurat.

9. Jurnalis menjaga kerahasiaan sumber informasi konfidensial, identitas korban kejahatan seksual, dan pelaku tindak pidana di bawah umur.

10. Jurnalis menghindari kebencian, prasangka, sikap merendahkan, diskriminasi, dalam masalah suku, ras, bangsa, politik, cacat/sakit jasmani, cacat/sakit mental atau latar belakang sosial lainnya.

11. Jurnalis menghormati privasi, kecuali hal-hal itu bisa merugikan masyarakat.

12. Jurnalis tidak menyajikan berita dengan mengumbar kecabulan, kekejaman kekerasan fisik dan seksual.

13. Jurnalis tidak memanfaatkan posisi dan informasi yang dimilikinya untuk mencari keuntungan pribadi.

14. Jurnalis tidak dibenarkan menerima sogokan.
Catatan: yang dimaksud dengan sogokan adalah semua bentuk pemberian berupa uang, barang dan atau fasilitas lain, yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung, dapat mempengaruhi jurnalis dalam membuat kerja jurnalistik.

15. Jurnalis tidak dibenarkan menjiplak.

16. Jurnalis menghindari fitnah dan pencemaran nama baik.

17. Jurnalis menghindari setiap campur tangan pihak-pihak lain yang menghambat pelaksanaan prinsip-prinsip di atas.

18. Kasus-kasus yang berhubungan dengan kode etik akan diselesaikan oleh Majelis Kode Etik.

The differences which i know between this both of ethics are the law institution if the ethics doesnt obey by the people around the press institution. On AJI, the cases of press which are relation with code of ethics will be finished or be judge by code of ethics institution. In the other hand, AJA doesn’t mention who suppose to be responsibility if the ethics are broken.

The other differencess are the information including visualization on sound in the information which they publish. In the ethics of AJA, there are a broadcasting system inside it. Meanwhile, on the ethics of AJI, the broadcasting system which show the visualization and the sound are include to the true information. On AJI’s ethic, information means visualization, sound, and script. In indonesia, the law which discusse about press and broadcasting are separated.

There aren’t significan differencess on both ethics. Last meeting, John Arnold from Monash University said that the Australian press was behind indonesian’s press. John also said that there were 25% of journalist who involved to the AJA and other were independent journalist. They who involved to AJA must be obey the ethics which were written and tried to not broke the rule. In indonesia, i thinnk the ethics which exist right now are the firewall for the journalit to hunt the news.

Obviously, there are so many differences in both ethics. But there are so many problems too that makes me cannot explain it all. In the journalist world, ethics are important at least just for the information. If we publish the wrong news, the risk which grow on the surface will be bigger even biggest than you imagine.

News is for public. When they get the wrong news, the wrong things will influence them in long term. News sometimes become a window through the world but sometimes news become a disaster when it create with wrong orientation. All the mistaken or the beneffit with news comes from who create it. The only person who create the news are journalist.

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